6 ways to boost your client’s leads with social media video marketing
6 ways to boost your client’s leads with social media video marketing
Video is a medium that really packs a punch. And social media video marketing has the power to phenomenally boost leads.
You’ve experienced it for yourself- video is more engaging for an audience. It is better at attracting attention, promoting trust, inviting action and generally has an appeal that can be missing in less dynamic mediums. It’s an easy to digest format that is comfortable and familiar in an entertainment-based social world. No wonder marketers are increasingly recognising the importance of social video marketing.
In fact, 93% of marketers agree that video brings in new customers. Also, 45% of consumers credit videos as their very first introduction to a brand before they ended up making a purchase, particularly those shown on Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram.
This means video ads are the number one method for consumers learning about brands (followed by recommendations from friends at 31%). With 59% of small businesses already embracing the power of social media video marketing and predictions that over 80% of internet traffic will soon be video-based, it’s not something you want to be left behind on.
While social media video marketing is becoming essential for lead generation, it’s not just about any video. There is more to the story than just creating a video and plonking it online. A video alone, even a good one, will not magically boost your client’s leads.
To boost your client’s leads through social media video marketing, implement these vital tips:
1- Ensure the video is engaging and relevant, with a single-minded proposition
Content is important for social video marketing. It must grab attention, be focused, relevant, and provide viewers with a strong call to action. Boring, confusing, or irrelevant videos won’t help. If the video doesn’t deliver a clear message and tell viewers what to do next then it can’t create leads.
2- Target your videos
Having the right content is not enough if it doesn’t reach the right audience. Targeted advertising is one of the most important keys to lead generation. This means knowing who the business’ potential clients are, and how to reach them. Blindly promoting videos may reach clients with enough market saturation, but this is an inefficient approach and one that can even backfire.
3- Optimise your video for different channels
Different platforms have different video requirements. By optimising your video for the various platforms, you can increase its effectiveness, usability and reach. Knowing what format works, the optimal video length, whether humour or professionalism is more appropriate, and even the timing of the release, can all make a difference.
4- Use video retargeting
When someone shows an interest in the business, they’re halfway there. Don’t let potential customers check in then leave. For example, if a website visitor views a specific product page, then you can retarget them on Facebook. The benefit here is that your client’s business will stay top of mind by re-serving ads to an already engaged customer, which will result in increased conversion rates and brand awareness.
When retargeting is combined with a SMP (single minded proposition), our clients have seen a lower cost per sale or lead, and higher conversion rates across the board. Keep the business where your customers are by retargeting viewers and recapturing their attention. Repeated exposure to the brand through engaging video content is a great way to boost your client’s leads.
5- Utilise video ad sequencing rules
When someone has remained interested enough in the video to watch it through, you want them to continue the journey. Create rules so that when they’ve viewed a video they’re automatically moved on to see the next one. Effectively understanding your consumer’s journey to purchase is the first step to understanding the best sequence of video to show them next - based on their previous behaviour.
Give the viewers something to become invested in. Repeat the brand’s message and call to action through the video sequencing to really help boost your client’s leads.
6- Measure what’s working so that you can tweak and improve
Monitoring the engagement results of your video is essential. This ensures you gain the insight needed to figure out what works and what doesn’t work for your clients. Take the guesswork out of lead generation by knowing how to measure results. Your social video marketing works by continuously analysing results and improving the content and delivery.
Do something to boost your client’s leads now!
Create a video with the right content for the right audience, and optimising it for the right social platform. Then, use video targeting and video ad sequencing rules. And finally, measure the results so you can improve.
Want to gain powerful insights and measure the success of your video marketing campaigns? 500 Connect combines data from Wi-Fi enabled smartphones and targeted Facebook advertising. It delivers insights on visit duration, unique traffic, pass-by-traffic, visit frequency, new vs repeat visit rates, and more. Measurable business analytics that make a difference – this is the future of retail.
At 500 Digital, we create your tailored ad to suit social media, then deploys that ad in a targeted campaign which is optimised and monitored. This drives real traffic into stores and, best of all, allows you to see the effectiveness of your social spend.
Check Out 500 Connect for more information https://500digitalmedia.com.au/500-connect/
500 Digital Media is a Melbourne-based production studio with a national focus. Fluent in every stage of production – from concept and creation to social media strategy – we provide a full-scale and integrated end-to-end service delivered by our team of in-house experts.